
Session Speaker(s) PPT Links
DNS, The Critical Infrastructure of the Internet: DNS Fundamentals, Zones, Delegation, DNS Servers Types, Query Types, DNS Packets. Dr.Balaji Rajendran
Recursive/Caching Authoritative DNS Server Configuration Mr. Gopinath P
DNS Attacks, DNS Dos, DDoS, DNS Reflection, DNS Amplification, DNS Hijacking and DNS Tunneling, NXDOMAIN Mr. Sanjay Adiwal
DNS Abuse:Threats and Mitigation Mr. Champika Wijayatunga
DNS DNSSEC: Protocol Fundamental, New Resource Records Types: RRSIG,DNSKEY,NSEC,DS Mr. Anoop Kumar Pandey
Key Management:CDNS; DNS Registry Best Practices Mr.Champika Wijayatunga
DoT (DNS over TLS) and DoH (DNS over HTTPS) Mr. Anoop Kumar Pandey
Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), Universal Acceptance(UA) and Email Address Internationalization(EAI) Mr. Champika Wijayatunga